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Replacement Academic Transcript

Replacement Academic Transcript


If you are a current student and have a query in relation to your academic transcript, please contact:

Arts & Sciences/Education [email protected]

Health, Social Care & Medicine [email protected]

Edge Hill transcripts reflect the complete record of academic learning and achievement and include information on what was studied, what was successfully completed and what was not successfully completed.

Please note:

  • Before completing your online purchase please read our Frequently Asked Questions
  •  If you were a Health student and you require a Pre-Registration Transcript of Training or a Continuing Professional Development Module or Pathway Transcript, please purchase your replacement transcript from the product catalogue on the Faculty of Health and Social Care pages. https://store.edgehill.ac.uk/product-catalogue/faculty-of-health-social-care-medicine 
  • For older awards, we are unable to guarantee that a full set of modules and marks have been retained in our records
  • We aim to provide the transcript within 20 working days of receiving a copy of the ID documentation. However if you wish to pay additional postage charges please visit our Additional Delivery Charges page where you can opt for Royal Mail Special Delivery or DHL for ALL OVERSEAS delivery charges.
  • All certificate/transcript/diploma supplement and confirmation letters come with free standard delivery.

Each course is run within a Faculty, please select the relevant Faculty that applies to your course transcript:

  • OPTION 1 - FAS - Faculty of Arts & Science
  • OPTION 2 - FoE - Faculty of Education
  • OPTION 3 - FHSCM - Faculty of Health & Social Care & Medicine






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